Erasmus programme
The Erasmus+ programme for study allows IULM student to spend one or two semesters abroad at a partner university. Partner universities are mainly located in the EU, hold an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) and signed a bilateral agreement with IULM.
During their mobility, Erasmus students can take exams, carry out thesis research or a period of "combined mobility" study + internship (provided that the internship is part of IULM academic curriculum). Activities agreed and then acquired abroad are recognized upon return through credit transfer and conversion of marks.
An Erasmus student may receive a monthly EU scholarship as a 'flat-rate contribution to mobility costs', or benefit only from the Erasmus status (zero grant i.e. without a scholarship). The student is required to pay the IULM tuition fees but no contribution is due to the host university.
Essential requirements for participation in the Erasmus call for studies:
- Be regularly enrolled in one of the current years of Bachelor or Master of Science programs; students enrolled "fuori corso" (i.e. in a year after the normal duration of the programme) in Bachelor or Master of Science programs are not eligible for application.
- Possess the required language proficiency as appropriate for the chosen universities, as specified in the Destination Sheets.
IULM University has signed Erasmus+ agreements with several universities; the list of partner universities with deadlines for participating in the programme, any prerequisites (academic or linguistic) required by the universities of destination, the procedures for the composition of the ranking and allocation of destinations are published in the call and its annexes.
Before departure, the assignee student agrees with IULM University on the study programme abroad with the relative equivalence (Learning Agreement), which is also approved by the host university. At the end of the mobility the host university issues a certificate stating the acquired credits and grades (Transcript of Records) and recognition is accordingly processed.
Additional contributions are available for disabled students.
mobility in 2025-26, 1st or 2nd semester
Click here to download the call
Online applications open: 15/01/2025 10.00 a.m.
Online applications close: 13/02/2025 11.59 p.m.
Monday Jan 13th at 3.00 PM CET: - Room Mike Bongiorno 4° floor, IULM 1 – INFO-MEETING IN PRESENCE
Language: Italian
- The regulations of the different calls will be explained and commented
- Instructions for application submission
- Q&A session
You can attend the meeting online on Teams at the following link:
Language: English
A dedicated info-webinar in English Language will be given online the following week (Jan 20th-24th)
International students interested in attending the online webinar in English are invited to notify their participation by e-mail at erasmus@iulm.it before January 15th.
Date and schedule of the meeting will be defined and communicated accordingly.
The study abroad calls for Strategic Communication will be available starting from the end of May.
EXPIRED MOBILITY CALLS (by way of indication only)
ECHE Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021/2027
EPS Erasmus Policy Statement 2021/2027
For any further information: erasmus@iulm.it, (+39) 02 89141.2493/2494