History and mission
The University was founded in 1968 by the Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, on the initiative of Senator Carlo Bo and Professor Silvio Baridon, as a University Institute of Modern Languages (I.U.L.M.). From the outset, the idea was to meet the needs of the labour market on the basis of an analysis of current trends.
The 1970s
The then I.U.L.M. focuses its attention on the study of languages, an essential condition for inclusion in increasingly international contexts and markets.
The 1980s
The University, the first of its kind in Italy, understands the evolution of the world of communication and the consumer society, and the consequent need to update its training offer by providing specific tools. In these years, it founded the Special School of Public Relations.
The 1990s
The decade marks the definitive consolidation of the University in the field of communication: the historic Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures is flanked by the Faculty of Communication and Performing Arts.
With the Statute approved in 1998, the University adopted the name of "Free University of Languages and Communication IULM" which, in external communication, is simplified to "IULM University".
From 2000 to the present day
While maintaining a strong focus on the dynamics of the world of work, IULM University is determined to focus on the cultural preparation of its students by offering them new educational frontiers
Born as a reference point for training in the fields of languages and communication, it also becomes a pole of excellence in the areas of tourism and the enhancement of cultural heritage.
With its three faculties, the three-year degree courses, the Master's degree courses, the numerous university post-graduate courses and the post-experience courses, the University offers a comprehensive range of educational opportunities.
Mission and activities
The mission of IULM University is to train professionals who are able to face the challenges and seize the opportunities that emerge from the markets and international scenarios, but it is also to shape men and women who are aware of themselves and their own value.
IULM guarantees its students a complete cultural background and a solid preparation, a mix of theory and practical experience: an integrated approach that has always proved to be extremely useful for those seeking to successfully enter the world of work and realize themselves as people.
IULM University has always been a pioneer: over the years, it has anticipated trends and adapted to changes, acting as a dynamic force in a constantly evolving system.
Today, it is well rooted in the socio-economic mechanisms of its surroundings: a valuable condition that allows it to approach important non-academic bodies with which to develop projects of common interest that produce added value for teaching and research.