Faculty of Arts, Fashion and Tourism

Degree course in Art, Valorization Strategies and the Markets - Dual Degree

Course contact person: Anna Luigia De Simone

Faculty of Arts, Fashion and Tourism

Degree course in Art, Valorization Strategies and the Markets - Dual Degree

Course contact person: Anna Luigia De Simone

The management of art and its market

The Master's Degree Course in Art, Valorization Strategies and the Markets will allow you to discover a new, fascinating scenario, and will provide you with the appropriate preparation to become a professional in culture and creativity.

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2 years



Academic venue


Employment rate


The Master's Degree Course in Art, Valorization Strategies and the Markets provides advanced skills in art history, management, organisation and economics specific to the cultural professions market and the arts system. This specialised course aims to train managers, critics, art exhibition curators, cultural communicators, gallery owners, museum directors and consultants capable of managing the relationship between art and the market in all its phases. In particular, understanding and controlling cultural production processes, designing, organising and communicating art events, and disseminating art also through digital systems.

The Course comprises a series of lectures followed by one-to-one experiences with practising professionals, seminars, workshops and 'in the field' experiences, alongside an ample range of workshop activities. Cycles of lectures with protagonists of the art, culture and entertainment system, opportunities for interaction with public and private institutions and foundations (such as the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo), projects and collaboration with external bodies, internships and apprenticeships with national and international partners complete the programme. In order to further strengthen the professionalising structure, particular emphasis is placed on the curatorial and digital area of training, offering students the opportunity to choose their specialisation. Thanks to agreements with European and non-European universities, in the first semester of the second year, students have the opportunity to enhance their curriculum with a study period abroad.

The international educational offer is further enriched by the possibility of obtaining a double Italian-French Master’s degree thanks to the agreement that IULM University has entered into with ICART (L'école du management de la culture et du marché de l'art) in Paris. In the second semester of the second year, workshops on design, production and artistic and cultural communication in partnership with leading organisations and institutions on the Italian scene based in Milan (including the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology, MEET - International Centre for Digital Culture) allow students to work on the realisation of specific projects, on their premises and in close contact with professionals working in the sector. The two-year course concludes with the writing and discussion of the thesis.

*data 1 year after graduation (Almalaurea Report 2024)


Segreteria Studenti

02 89 14 12 669
negli orari 9.30-12.30 e 14.30-17.00

Orari di apertura sportelli: dal lunedì al venerdì con orario continuato dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17.00