Collaboration of students in University services

Students can work part-time at the University's offices. The selection is made according to the procedures indicated in the Regulations for the collaboration of students in the services of the University and in the notice published annually. Collaborations have a total duration not exceeding 150 hours.

In any case, prerequisites for the validity of the application and for the award of contracts are:

  • for students enrolled in Bachelor programs: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, at least in the second year of the course and, in any case, not in the year following the first 'out-of-course' year beyond the legal duration of the course of study;
  • for students enrolled in master's degree courses: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, in the first, the second, or, in any case, not subsequent to the first 'out-of-course year beyond the legal duration of the course of study;
  • for all candidates: exceeding at least two fifths of the university credits (CFU), rounded down, specified for the chosen curriculum, with reference to the academic year preceding the call, except for students enrolled in the first year of master's degree courses, who are admitted by right to the submission of the application.

Call for part-time student collaborations to University services

Students can work part-time at the University's offices. The selection is made according to the procedures indicated in the Regulations for the collaboration of students in the services of the University and in the notice published annually. Collaborations have a total duration not exceeding 150 hours.

In any case, prerequisites for the validity of the application and for the award of contracts are:

  • for students enrolled in Bachelor's degree programs: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, at least in the second year of the course and, in any case, not in any year after the first year beyond the legal duration of the course of study ("fuori corso");
  • for students enrolled in master's degree courses: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, in the first, the second, or, in any case,  not in any year after the first year beyond the legal duration of the course of study ("fuori corso");
  • for all candidates: at least two fifths of the university credits (CFU), rounded down, specified for the chosen curriculum, with reference to the academic year preceding the call, except for students enrolled in the first year of master's degree courses, who are admitted by right to the submission of the application.

Please refer to Annex B for further details about prerequisites and score calculation.

The part-time collaboration does not result in the recognition of university credits and does not affect the graduation grade.

Applicants must attach compulsory the following documents in PDF format:

  • curriculum vitae;
  • for non-native Italian-speakers, the presentation of certification of the level of knowledge of the Italian language and/or the passing of a university exam in Italian is required (according to the level required by each Office in Annex A). Failure to submit the certification and/or pass the exam in Italian will result in the student forfeiting the opportunity to carry out the collaboration assignment;
  • Italian students are required to present certification of their level of knowledge of the English language and/or to pass a university exam in English (according to the level required by each Office in Annex A). Failure to submit the certification and/or pass the exam in Italian will result in the student forfeiting the opportunity to carry out the collaboration assignment;
  • valid Identity Card/Passport;
  • tax code.

The application must be submitted by 8 p.m. on 6 March 2025 at the link:

The ranking list will be published by 18 March 2025

Any compliance in the data entered in the ranking list must be reported to the Institutional Affairs Office by writing to by 5 p.m. on 20 March 2025, specifying: surname, first name and student ID number; after this deadline, no additions or requests for changes will be accepted.


Peer Tutors are senior students who make their experience available to support other students.

The project particularly targets newly enrolled students for the 2023/2024 academic year. Peer-tutoring aims to facilitate the learning process and the integration of freshmen into the academic career, improve relations with the faculty, and promote active participation in university life.

The service will be run by IULM University students, who will accompany freshmen in the first stages of their academic careers.

Call for Peer tutors

The Peer Tutor is a senior student who provides his or her experience to support other students.

The project, intended especially for newly matriculated students a.y. 2024/2025, aims to facilitate the learning process and the insertion of freshmen into the academic path, improving the relationship with the system-faculty and promoting active participation in university life.

The service will be taken care of by IULM University students: in fact, they will be the ones to accompany freshmen in their first steps in the University.

Call for Joint Teaching-Student Committees 2024-2025

Deadline for submission of applications: 06 October 2024

Reopening Call for Joint Teaching-Student Committees 2024-2025

The University's Quality Assurance System (QA) provides for the participation of students. Their main role is to collaborate in analysing data and information in order to detect critical points and formulate proposals for improvements in the study programmes.
To this end, students are expected to participate in the Joint Teaching-Student Committees.

For the period from the signing of the contract until 31st December 2025 the call for applications is for 3 contracts, as described in the following table:

Courses of Study
Number of places
Joint Teaching-Student Committees

Bachelor’s degree courses in 

- Corporate Communication and Public Relations:
     Corporate communication and public relations (in English) (1 place)


Master's degree courses in

- Hospitality and Tourism Management (1 place)
- Television, Cinema and New Media (1 place)

2 places

Applications may be submitted by students who are regularly enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses at IULM University, by filling out the form available and sending on 6 October 2024 to:

The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a photocopy of a valid identity document.

You can watch the video of th Aq system of Athenaeum here


The Association of Italian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem is funding a scholarship for an internship at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The scholarship is intended for students enrolled in the first or second year of the Degree Course in Arts, Heritage and Markets.

The winner of the scholarship will stay on the Hebrew University campus in Jerusalem

Candidates will be selected on the basis of their CV, a letter of motivation, a paper on the Israel Museum collection and an interview to be held at 3.30 p.m. on 23 March 2020.

Click to consult the competition notice and download the application form by the deadline of 16 March 2020 at 16.30.

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