Internship Italy
The University encourages direct contact between its students and graduates and the professional world through the activation of different services for different types of internships:
- The internship which allows you to extend the learning received during the course of studies as well as to check your skills;
- The internship aimed at preparing your degree thesis or the thesis to obtain the Master's degree;
- The orientation internship, usually of short duration, which aims mainly to gain initital experience of the world of work.
The Career Service office deals exclusively with administrative procedures. It is advisable to consult the various teaching regulations regarding the duration, the recognition in the study plan and possibly the periods in which it is possible to carry out an internship.
Internships at external organizations and companies are divided into two types:
- Curricular internships, i.e. internships carried out by students regularly enrolled at the University, at institutions and companies outside the University. This type of internship begins and ends before the date of graduation. Reimbursement of expenses is at the discretion of the company where the internship is carried out.
For a Bachelor and Master of Science degree, it can last from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 12 months. For Master's degrees, however, there is a maximum duration of 6 months.
- Extra-curricular internships, i.e. internships carried out by graduates (from the Bachelor and Master's degrees). This type of internship cannot last fewer than 2 months and more than 12 months and can be activated within 12 months from the date of graduation. Finally, it involves the obligation on the part of the Host Organization to communicate the start, extension, suspension and interruption of the internship itself to the local Employment Office.
During the period of closure of the Career Service Office, any reports of accidents¹ must be communicated directly by the companies to the relevant bodies² with a copy of the report forwarded for information to the Career Service Office. Accident reports must be sent within 48 hours of receipt of the first medical certificate indicating the nature and extent of the accident.
Click here to download the accident report facsimile.
¹ Accidents with a prognosis of more than three days ² Inail office responsible and State Police office at the headquarters of the host company
: http://www.regione.lombardia.it/wps/portal/istituzionale/HP/DettaglioAvviso/servizi-e-informazioni/cittadini/Lavoro-e-formazione-professionale/Tirocini/tirocini-aggiornamento-indirizzi-regionali/tirocini-aggiornamento-indirizzi-regionali)
IMPORTANT: The extracurricular internships are aimed at persons in a state of unemployment pursuant to Article 19 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2015, so the graduate must sign online the Declaration of Immediate Availability to Work (DID) before activating the internship.
Without filling in the DID, the Career Service office will not be able to activate the internship
What is an internship?
The internship, or training and orientation internship, is an experience of professional orientation carried out with a public or private body. It enriches your resume and facilitates your next choices by introducing you directly to the world of work.
The activation of an internship involves:
- An intern;
- The host company/entity;
- The promoter (in this case IULM University) that evaluates the proposal and monitors its progress.
Internships can be offered by:
- Public and private, industrial, commercial and service companies;
- Banks and financial services;
- Professional studios and trade associations;
- Public bodies, institutions and cultural and artistic associations;
- Non-profit organizations;
- Bodies and companies operating in the tourism, communication and media sectors;
- Other bodies, provided that the area of internship placement is similar to the study and specialization courses of the University.
Internships can be carried out by:
- University students enrolled in all Bachelor and Master's programs;
- Graduates in the 12 months following graduation
The advantages of the internship
Students and graduates choose an internship in order to:
- Broaden and consolidate learning;
- Put skills acquired to the test;
- Collect material useful for the drafting of the thesis;
- Find out about the world of work in order to better guide future professional choices;
- Enrich a CV so that it is not just a summary of years of study.
For the company, the internship can:
- Provide an opportunity to evaluate a person before offering an employment contract
- Form ad hoc resources;
- Gain new stimuli elaborated by young people still included in the training course;
- Offer the possibility of developing projects that until then had been postponed due to lack of resources.
How long can an internship last?
What does the law say about the duration of internships, how to apply for an extension, the possibility of suspensions?
The law imposes a maximum time limit on the duration of the internship:
- Twelve months for university students
- Six months for Master's students
- Twelve months for postgraduate internships
- The extracurricular internship, by law, has a minimum time limit of 2 months
There are no restrictions on the number of internships that a person can carry out during their studies, except for Master's students who can carry out, according to a University Regulation, only one curricular internship.
If the duration of the internship in the training project is less than the maximum provided for by law, it is possible to ask for an extension of the internship. In the event of absence due to maternity, long illness or accident for a period of 30 days or more, the trainee may apply for an internship suspension.
IULM University is oriented to the activation of internships of variable duration between a minimum of two months and a maximum of six months. Any extensions will be considered near the end of the internship, provided that the total period of stay in the company does not exceed a total of twelve months for university students and six months for Master's students.
When and where
The internship can be carried out at any time during the course of training, although, to enhance this experience to the best of the student's ability, it is preferable to wait until the second/third year of the degree course. Students and graduates of IULM University have the opportunity to apply for internships on the virtual notice board by filling in their curriculum vitae online and sending it directly to the company.
The Career Service Office promotes internship experiences in the disciplinary sectors that characterize each Degree Course: public relations, communication, advertising, marketing, tourism, publishing, etc., with the aim of acting as a point of reference for the business world and for students/graduates, facilitating the meeting between supply and demand.
We also invite you to download the informative Career Service Brochure with all the relevant information by clicking here.
For further information please write to: Email: stage@iulm.it