Badge of Honour
What one learns at university is not simply a transfer of skills: university life is not just studying in a book, attending a lecture, taking a course.
Being immersed in the university environment in itself creates opportunities and moments of growth, contributing to the formation of the person before that of the student, the professional, the scholar. With this in mind, the Badge of Honour initiative is on the agenda.
IULM, together with the teaching activities of its programmes of study, offers its students opportunities for cultural deepening in all fields of communication: opportunities to enrich the theoretical foundations and practical knowledge acquired in class. It is a priority to create opportunities to experience the University to the full and open up new horizons of interest and participation in intellectual and civic life. For this reason, activities and initiatives in which you can participate to enrich your academic curriculum marked by the logo at the bottom of the page will be proposed to you periodically.
The activities marked with the Badge of Honour will be divided into University initiatives, valid for all students, and Faculty initiatives, valid only for students of the respective faculty. During graduation, the committee, in its autonomy, may take them into account for the purposes of awarding the overall graduation grade, awarding no more than 1 point within those resulting from the curriculum to undergraduates who present at least 6 honour activities carried out in the three-year degree courses and 4 honour activities carried out in the two-year period for the Master's degree courses. The computation of honour activities for the purpose of possible integration of the degree grade takes place exclusively within a course of study; in other words, a student who has participated in one or more of the honour activities in the undergraduate course of study (obtaining or not obtaining the additional point) will not be able to request to enhance the same activities in the master's degree course.
The film review is part of Badge of Honour activities. To obtain the Badge of Honour, it is necessary to attend all four meetings. For attendance to be recorded, interested students are asked to show up with a university badge or valid ID.
For more information, please contact badgehonour@iulm.it
Click here to consult the procedures for participating in Badge of Honour activities